
Relationship is the most important component to the success of therapy. Therefore, it is important that you and your counselor are a good fit!

The first step consists of answering a few key/important questions regarding logistics, needs, and preferences via phone (10 min, scheduled) or email !

If we are a good fit you will receive an email to the client portal to complete important documentation.


Congratulations! You made it to the virtual couch!

Goals of an Initial Intake Session:

Review policies and procedures that detail the therapeutic relationship/services!

Obtain key information about your well-being in four domains: physical, mental/emotional, social, and spiritual!

Discuss impact of presenting problem and detailed history!

Establish goals for Treatment Services!

Second Session

You survived your first session and made your way back!

Goals of Second Session:

Answer any Questions/Clarify Information

Strength-Based Assessment

Slowly begin to process your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as they relate to your primary concern